Comments on: How Sugar Feeds Cancer Growth Supercharge Your Health Mon, 07 Oct 2024 19:49:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: W Wed, 31 Jul 2024 16:57:51 +0000 Hi Dr. Jockers. Such great information. You were my motivator to get on a keto diet four years ago at age 61. I was recently diagnosed with colon cancer. Very small, but right side colectomy is the protocol. I rationalize it may have been larger if I hadn’t cut out sugar and been on a keto diet. I am also optimistic we’ll find it has not spread to the lymph nodes. I also believe this cancer, for me, is hereditary. With that said, I am always concerned with my twisted colon and slow process ( I.e. contipation). I am concerned I don’t get all the fiber or nutrients I need in my diet since I don’t have a wide variety of grains, fruits and vegetables as I avoid higher glycemic foods. I take OTC daily vit C, Super B complex (metabolism boost) Mg, D3, Calcium supplements. What are your thoughts on keto and getting all the necessary nutrients?

By: Dr. Jockers Wed, 14 Sep 2022 16:10:10 +0000 In reply to Sue.

For some individuals they can be ok, but not the best foods in general!

By: Sue Mon, 12 Sep 2022 17:51:15 +0000 When not in ketosis or fighting active cancer, what do you think about steel cut oats and hummus and other legumes for fiber? Also, the chic pea or lentil pastas?

By: Lynne Fri, 09 Sep 2022 21:54:29 +0000 You don’t mention the cost. How much does this cost

By: Dr. Jockers Mon, 05 Sep 2022 20:34:37 +0000 In reply to Magno Aragon.

Yes, I would recommend avoiding the honey and maple syrup. If you are very metabolically healthy, you might do 2-3 higher carb meals a week and be sure to get a lot of exercise on a regular basis so your body is able to handle the carb load from those 2-3 meals and store it as muscle glycogen.

By: Inogen Katharine MacKenzie Sat, 03 Sep 2022 06:22:40 +0000 In reply to Nikolas Balseiro.

Thank you for your reply – I see what you mean re soya and of course those poor cows are fed with any old rubbish that will keep hem alive and producing. This is terrifying – I cannot believe that food is sprayed with xenoestrogens! I am now 100% organic as well as the vegan that I have been for years.
Your mother is so lucky to have someone to take care of her to this extent. I wish you both the best of luck.

By: Magno Aragon Fri, 02 Sep 2022 16:40:27 +0000 Very informative. My wife survived breast cancer about years ago. You stated that sugar intake is food for cancer. Should we take out honey or maple syrup from our diet?

We started in lowering our carbohydrate intake (no more pasta, rice, white and whole grain bread, spaghetti, cereals, etc.). However should the list also include sourdough bread (no sugar content)?

By: Nikolas Balseiro Wed, 31 Aug 2022 19:12:51 +0000 In reply to Inogen MacKenzie.

Thank you Inogen! FYI to share what I’ve learned, the breast cancer my mother has is Estrogen Receptor positive meaning the cancer feeds on estrogen to my understanding, so she’s staying away from all soy (tofu) & anything else with hormones (dairy & non-organic fruits & veggies). Another thing I learned, the pesticides sprayed onto non-organic foods contains xenoestrogens which mimic estrogen and add to the hormone count, so we’re going all organic too.

Thanks for engaging with me! Much love to you!

By: Nikolas Balseiro Wed, 31 Aug 2022 19:10:33 +0000 In reply to Dr. Jockers.

Thank you!

By: Dr. Jockers Tue, 30 Aug 2022 13:21:36 +0000 In reply to Nikolas Balseiro.

Sorry to hear about your mother, yes she should stop eating any processed sugars. Natural sugars are better but should be kept in moderation!

By: Inogen MacKenzie Mon, 29 Aug 2022 18:53:48 +0000 Hello Nikolas,
Try thinking of the word ‘glucose’, rather than ‘sugar’ – I think that makes it less confusing.
You should only have low-sugar fruits – berries are ideal.
Don’t forget that wheat turns to glucose in the body, so cut out bread, pasta, cakes and breakfast cereals.
As far as I can see, a diet of organically produced tofu, fresh vegetables (lots of green leaves) and berries seems okay. Nuts and seeds are good for protein too, but don’t overdo the omega-6 fats; offset with omega-3 from algal sources. You can use good clean fats like coconut (not too much), olive and avocado.

By: Nikolas Balseiro Thu, 25 Aug 2022 16:31:44 +0000 My mother has metastatic breast cancer & we’re educating ourselves outside of the allopathic model. Question for you on sugar: Should my mother stop eating sugar altogether? Or is the natural sugar of fruits & vegetables okay to continue consuming? We’re confused on whether additive & processed sugars feeds cancer vs natural sugars. Thank you!]]> Hey Dr. Jockers, thank you for your work, your time & your care 🙏🏼

My mother has metastatic breast cancer & we’re educating ourselves outside of the allopathic model.

Question for you on sugar:
Should my mother stop eating sugar altogether? Or is the natural sugar of fruits & vegetables okay to continue consuming? We’re confused on whether additive & processed sugars feeds cancer vs natural sugars.

Thank you!
