Comments on: Top 7 Foods to Burn Belly Fat Supercharge Your Health Wed, 02 Oct 2024 15:59:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brenda Boteler Wed, 02 Oct 2024 15:59:59 +0000 Do you answer questions that appear above in their emails because I don’t see any answers on this page to any question asked.

By: Karen Sun, 29 Sep 2024 23:42:43 +0000 I’ve been on a Keto diet for well over a month now and, to be honest, I really have been struggling this time around. I have done keto before and had really great results – clear mind, energy and so on. This time, however, before I started the diet, my body had started packing on weight, seemingly for no reason or change in diet. (I’m not large – my normal weight fluctuates between 46 kg – 47.5 kg, but suddenly went to over 49 kg and was continuing to climb.) My body had also become extremely inflamed. (Note: I am almost 64 years old, healthy, and well passed menopause.)

The keto diet seemed liked the solution to both issues, but my body has been kicking and screaming the whole way: periods of brain fog, tiredness, no weight loss despite eating so little and having no carbs or sugar. (I put this down to toxins being release as fat was being removed, but the weight is not shedding so very slowly compared to other times I have done the diet, and yesterday when I weighed in, I had gone back over 48 Kg compared to a couple of days previously when I was a kilo lighter.) Also, at times I have been experiencing periods of being very hungry, other times no appetite at all, and poor sleep. I suspect that either yeast (candida) and/or another single celled parasite may be the issue.

So, my question is, can parasites of this kind, interfere with the keto diet?

By: Mel Pama Tue, 26 Dec 2023 19:17:44 +0000 For some reason I can’t seem to get the right images in the Capcha because the images are so fussy even with my glasses and me magnifier.

By: Denise Abdale Tue, 26 Dec 2023 16:19:23 +0000 While I had consumed all the 7 foods you mentioned, it wasn’t until I cut out the avocado, salmon, olive oil, completely and beef to only once a week that I finally started losing weight. I stick to chicken and white fish like flounder & haddock, only having salmon once a week (found out salmon does a number on your pancreas!) also, I’ve switched to macadamia oil as it is healthier than olive oil.

By: Cindy Mon, 11 Sep 2023 14:42:08 +0000 Thank you. Can Visceral fat be too low? Evolt 360 body scan says 1.7%. Subcutaneous 17.6.
I am 5 8 126 lbs 68 yr female. I used to be “buff” until mycotoxin poisoning (down to 114) and have struggled to regain muscle and weight. Other parameters are optimal: muscle, water etc. Friends say I look good even though I am not as strong as before. (135 and 11.2% body fat by calipers). I eat Br and lunch 100 g protein and more Optimal aminos for another 30 -60gs. Weight train 6x/wk. Eat as you suggest. What more should I do?

By: Kim Thu, 24 Aug 2023 17:39:22 +0000 When protein pacing combined with 18:6 fasting I would have lunch with protein around 1:00, 20 ounces protein around 4;00 and dinner at 7:00 with protein. Is that correct?
I weigh 156 and need to lose 16 pounds. What would be a good total amount of protein for day?

By: Maryl B Case Thu, 24 Aug 2023 14:37:15 +0000 Thank you! I think I have been eating the way I should according to what you said in your article.
