10 Ways to Improve Stomach Acid Levels

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stomach acid levels

10 Ways to Improve Stomach Acid Levels

Stomach acid is critical for disinfecting and killing off bad microbes and for optimizing protein digestion in the body.  When the body is unable to produce enough stomach acid, inadequate digestion and microbial overgrowth occurs.  One of the most important and underappreciated health principles is taking time and creating rituals to improve stomach acid levels.

The normal volume of the stomach acid fluid is 20-100 mL with a pH range from 1.5-3.5.  Due to the logarithmic nature of the pH scale, there is a significant difference between a pH of 1.5 and that of 3.0 or 3.5.  For healthy protein digestion, the pH should be in the 1.5-2.2 range.  That is a big jump and that is why it is so important to improve stomach acid levels for optimal digestion.

stomach acid

7 Major Functions of Stomach Acid

  1. Sterilizes the Food: Whenever we consume food, bacteria and other microorganisms come in with the food (even if it was cooked or pasteurized).  The stomach acid helps to neutralize the bad invaders we don’t want in our system (1, 2).
  2. Protein Digestion: Stomach acid is necessary to begin the process of breaking down protein.  Have you ever marinated meat in vinegar?  Vinegar is not nearly as acidic as what your stomach acid should be, yet, over time it degrades the meat.  This is what your stomach acid should be doing in a much quicker fashion.
  3. Activating Pepsin: Pepsin is a proteolytic enzyme that is necessary for our body to effectively metabolize protein.  Stomach acid activates pepsin from its inactive form called pepsinogen.
  4. Activating Intrinsic Factor: Stomach acid helps to activate intrinsic factor which is a glycoprotein produced in the stomach that is necessary for vitamin B12 absorption.
  5. Stimulating the Delivery of Bile and Enzymes: Stomach acid helps to stimulate the release of bile from the liver and gall bladder and digestive enzymes from the pancreas.
  6. Closing the Esophageal Sphincter:  Stomach acid is an important trigger for the contraction of the esophageal sphincter (just above the stomach) to protect the soft, delicate tissue of the esophagus from the harsh acids in the stomach.
  7. Opening the Pyloric Sphincter: Stomach acid helps to active the pyloric sphincter which allows food to move from the stomach to the small intestine.

stomach acid

The Problem with Low Stomach Acid:

When the body is unable to produce enough stomach acid, it is unable to digest protein molecules and key minerals (3).  These partially digested protein molecules get into the small intestine and create significant stress on the pancreas to produce adequate enzymes to metabolize the protein effectively.

If this occurs repeatedly over time, it will wear down the pancreatic enzyme storage and cause stress and irritation to the intestinal lining.  Additionally, if the protein molecules are not efficiently metabolized, we are unable to absorb enough amino acids which are necessary for numerous vital functions of the body.    This can lead to amino acid deficiencies, poor healing and a breakdown of various important bodily functions. (4)

The large protein molecules and incomplete digestion irritates the gut lining, leading to leaky gut syndrome.  This process can trigger the development of auto-immune activity in the body.  Poor digestion also creates an environment suited for the development of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), Candida overgrowth and parasitic infections (5, 6).

When we digest our food poorly it leads to increased inflammatory activity which depletes key minerals and antioxidants throughout the body (8).   This mineral depletion leads to an inability to form stomach acid, and the vicious cycle of poor digestion and chronic inflammation continues (7, 8).

12 Signs that You Have Low Stomach Acid:

The condition of low HCL causes poor digestive motility and sphincter activity.  This allows food contents to sit in the stomach and be metabolized by bacteria that are able to survive due to lack of stomach acid.  The result of this bacterial fermentation is gas which can cause bloating, cramping, belching, etc.

Here are the most common signs and symptoms that you have low stomach acid production.

1) Gas and Belching: With low HCL, this usually comes on shortly after a meal, within 60 minutes.

2) Acid Reflux: This is most commonly caused by low acid (not too much acid) as explained in this article.

3) Bloating and Cramping: The gas production from the bacterial fermentation in the stomach produces this.  Again, it typically comes on within an hour of eating.

4) Chronic Bad Breath: This is due to the toxic metabolites produced through bacterial fermentation in the stomach.

5) Bad Body Odor: Poor stomach acid production leads to an overall microbial overgrowth throughout the body.  More microbes produce more stinky toxins.

6) Undigested Food in Stools: This is obvious, you are not able to completely metabolize the food you are consuming.

7) Aversion to Meat: Many people with low stomach acid desire to avoid meat and have digestive problems (as described above) when they eat it.  Especially red meat which is usually tougher and depends upon more HCL than whiter meats for digestion.

8) Tired After Meals: If the digestive process has to work twice as hard, it will cost us a lot of energy, leaving us tired.

9) Feeling Full But Still Hungry: You are full because food isn’t leaving your stomach, but you are hungry because you are not absorbing nutrients effectively.

10) Chronic Anemia: You aren’t having excessive bleeding, you are consuming enough iron in your diet (or even in supplements), yet you still have a non-responsive anemia (9).

11) Weak Fingernails: If your fingernails break, chip or peel easily it is a classic sign of nutrient deficiencies, especially protein, minerals and B12.

12) Frequent Nausea: Because your stomach gets full quickly, it can often trigger a nausea reflex.

Additionally, you may be more prone to food poisoning because the less stomach acid you are producing, the less able you will be to sterilize the food stuffs in the stomach.  Have you ever wondered why 2 people can eat the same dish, one gets sick and the other doesn’t.  It may have had to do with stomach acid production.

Some of the other symptoms that one may experience with low stomach acid include the following.

The Baking Soda Stomach Acid Test

Ingesting baking soda has been a natural remedy used for many years to help settle an upset stomach.  Baking soda contains sodium bicarbonate which has hydroxide (OH-) ions that reduce acidity.  Since reducing acidity can create more comfort in someone with acid reflux, baking soda developed this reputation.

There is a simple test you can do at your home in order to see if you have enough stomach acid.  This involves drinking baking soda in order to create a unique chemical reaction within your stomach.  This reaction happens when the (OH-) ions of the baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and the hydrogen (H+) ions within the hydrochloric (stomach) acid (HCL).  This should naturally result in carbon dioxide gas production and a resulting burping effect.

This test is virtually free (excluding the cost of a ¼ tsp of baking soda) so there is nothing to lose.  I recommend doing this test because it is safe and has no cost and it can be done very easily.

However, the test isn’t without its flaws.  There are many variables that go uncontrolled for in this experiment.  To minimize extraneous variables, I recommend performing the test on 3 consecutive mornings in order to find an overall average.

With this method, you are looking for a pattern of results instead of a one-time “yes” or “no.”  Also, to improve the accuracy it is important to do the test first thing in the morning before eating or drinking anything else.

There are no scientific studies that discuss this method as either reliable or unreliable.  The results of the test can vary widely depending upon the individual, so it is up to your interpretation from what you are experiencing with this.  The infographic below goes over how to do the test properly.

Early and repeated belching may be due to excessive stomach acid (but don’t confuse these with small little burps from swallowing air when drinking the solution).  Any belching after 3 minutes is an indication of low stomach acid production.

The Betaine HCL Challenge Test:

This is a very reliable test you can perform if you have the symptoms above and failed the baking soda test.  It will cost you a bottle of Betaine HCL, which you will probably need anyways if to help you restore HCL levels if they truly are low.

To Perform the Test do the Following:

  1. Buy some Betaine HCL with pepsin (we use Acid Prozyme or Super Digest HCL)
  2. Eat a high protein meal of at least 6 ounces of meat (you can have veggies too)
  3. In the middle of the meal (never in the beginning) take 1 Betaine HCL pill
  4. Finish the meal and observe what you notice.

Possible Outcomes:

  1.  You Don’t Notice Anything:  If you do not notice any difference, it is most likely that you have low stomach acid levels.
  2.  You Notice Indigestion:  If you notice a burning, hotness or heaviness in your chest then these are signs you have adequate stomach acid levels.

It is best to do this test 2-3 times in order to make sure you aren’t getting a false positive.  There are 3 main reasons for someone getting a possible false positive.

  1.  Didn’t Consume Enough Protein:  If it is a relatively low protein meal, you won’t need much HCL and therefore the supplement can cause too much of an increase.
  2.  Took the Capsule Before the Meal:  This will almost always cause indigestion as your body isn’t ready for the supplement.
  3.  Have Esophageal Sphincter Dysfunction:  For some individuals, they may have a hiatal hernia or poor contractile activity of the esophageal sphincter that can cause an increase in indigestion like symptoms.  It is always good to get a medical exam to rule these things out before doing the test if possible.

After getting 2-3 positive tests in a row, begin using the HCL supplement with the protocol I give at the bottom of this article along with the 10 ways to improve your stomach acid levels.

10 Ways to Improve Stomach Acid Levels: 

These are tips to help improve your digestion if you have lower stomach acid levels.  By following these strategies, you reduce stress on your digestive system and absorb nutrients more effectively.  This will help your body to have the resources it needs to produce adequate stomach acid in the future.  When you improve stomach acid levels, it makes a huge difference on your overall health and quality of life!

  1. Use Liquid Nutrition Throughout the Day: You should make at least half of your meals in a liquid form such as a protein shake or green smoothie.  Protein shakes are pre-metabolized and very easy to digest and do not depend upon HCL production.  If you have low HCL, it is wise to have 1-2 protein shakes each day to enhance amino acid absorption and reduce stress on the GI system.  This is very important to improve stomach acid levels.
  1. Use Ginger: Ginger is one of the best things for improving digestive juices.  Ginger is part of a group of herbs called carminatives along with peppermint, anise, cardamom, coriander, etc.  I recommend drinking 2-3 cups of ginger tea each day, you can put ginger essential oil in water (2-3 drops in 8oz of water), juice a ½ inch of fresh ginger root in a green juice each day and use ground ginger on your foods.  You can also consume fermented ginger which is common in Asian dishes such as kimchi.
  1. Super Hydrate Outside of Mealtimes: I am a HUGE advocate of optimal hydration, and it is especially important if you have low stomach acid.  Good hydration will help activate bowel motility and push contents through the digestive system which will reduce microbial fermentation and toxicity in the body.
  1. Drink Very Little with Meat Containing Meals: Anytime you are going to have meat or any sort of heavier food (not a smoothie or a veggie salad), you should cut off drinking water at least 30 minutes before the meal apart from perhaps 2oz for taking a supplement.  This will reduce any potential dilution of the gastric juices and allow for better digestion.
  1. Hold Off on Water After a Meal: To allow for optimal digestion, I recommend abstaining from water or liquids until at least 30 minutes after a meal.  This allows for proper stomach acid activity, sterilization, protein metabolism, etc.
  1. Use Lemon and Apple Cider Vinegar: Squeezing fresh lemon or using lemon juice or apple cider vinegar on your meat and veggies helps to pre-metabolize the food.   This allows for better digestion and nutrient absorption.  You can either marinate foods in a lemon or ACV base or just add them as a dressing right before you consume them.

Immune Health, Immune Health: 8 Foods That Strengthen Immunity

  1. Eat Protein Foods at the Beginning of the Meal: The stomach will begin churning out its stomach acid when you begin eating, especially when you are consuming protein.  It is very common for people to eat a salad before their protein dish, but this doesn’t work well for your HCL production.  It is a much better idea to eat your protein with the salad or veggies.
  1. Use Fermented Veggies: Fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles, pickled ginger, etc. all contain organic acids, enzymes and probiotics which help to improve digestive juice secretions.  I recommend using one of these with all of your heavier meals and especially any meal with protein.
  1. Use Fermented Drinks: Fermented drinks such as ACV, coconut water kefir and lemon water (not fermented) contain organic acids that have an anti-microbial effect.  So these help to reduce the bacterial load, especially the bacteria in the stomach such as H Pylori.  Keeping H Pylori levels down is important for the body to be able to produce enough stomach acid.
  1. Eat Your Largest Meal When You Are Most Relaxed:  In order to produce adequate stomach acid, your body needs to activate the parasympathetic nervous system.  If you are busy and, on the go, you will be in fight or flight sympathetic mode.  If you struggle with low stomach acid, this is not going to allow you to produce anywhere near enough.  Relaxing before the meal is key to improve stomach acid production.

Use liquid and raw food nutrition such as smoothies, shakes and light salads during your busier periods because these foods don’t depend upon much HCL production.  Plan your meat containing meal(s) for times when you can be relaxed at least 30 minutes before the meal and 1-2 hours after the meal.

If you are eating meat at a more stressful time period, try taking a few deep breaths before you begin consuming your meal to help relax your body and pull you out of fight or flight.

Supplementing With Hydrochloric Acid:

One of the most important supplements I have ever worked with is supplemental hydrochloric acid.  I have seen this make a huge difference in so many people’s lives.  This is a betaine HCL tablets.  You should find them in dosage ranges of 300-500mg per capsule and in combination with 100-200 mg of Pepsin per capsule.

There are 2 protocols I use with my clients.  One is for those who have acid reflux on a regular basis while the other is for those who rarely (once a month or less) or never experience acid reflux.

Always take the Betaine HCL either half-way through the meal or right at the end of the meal.  Never take it before the meal or you may get a faulty experience of heartburn, and you will turn off your natural stomach acid production for this meal.  Additionally, if you are taking any sort of NSAID medication such as ibuprofen, Tylenol or aspirin do not take HCL.

stomach acid

If You Don’t Suffer from Acid Reflux:

Take 1 capsule during or after the meal (never before the meal) and see if you notice a mild burning sensation in your stomach, chest area.  This is a mild experience of indigestion or heartburn.  When you notice this with 1 cap of HCL, it is a sign you are producing enough HCL.  If not, you are not producing enough HCL.  At your next meal, try taking 2 caps and continue this until you find how much it takes to induce the indigestion/heartburn.

If 4 caps induces indigestion, then take 3 caps with your larger protein meals (not protein shakes or broth – only meals with meat and protein).  Once you begin feeling indigestion with 3 caps, drop it to 2, etc.

If You Suffer from Acid Reflux:

Do not take any antacids or acid reflux meds

Take 1 capsule during or directly after the meal (never before the meal) and see if you do not have the indigestion.  If you continue to have the indigestion, you need more.

At your next meal, take 2 caps and continue this process until you find the amount you need in order to not have indigestion.  Continue to use this amount until you notice you have indigestion again.  When you do, drop your dosage by 1 cap for your next meal.

If 4 caps took away your indigestion you can stay on that until you noticed that 4 caps now CAUSED indigestion.  Then you can drop your dosage to 3 caps until you notice the new amount causes indigestion.  When you notice indigestion at 3 caps, drop it to 2 and continue with this until you plateau or are able to completely eliminate the usage of the HCL caps.

stomach acid

Do I Need to Take Betaine HCL For Life?

This is the most common question I get from my clients after they see the remarkable results they get from optimizing their stomach acid and using the Betaine HCL caps.  Because stomach acid is something our body naturally should produce, this is a very valid question and concern.

The answer is maybe.  Individuals who are younger and healthier can absolutely regain near optimal HCL production and maintain that throughout life with the right plan.  Older individuals or those who have suffered with chronic health problems for a longer time may need extra stomach acid support for life.

Either way, your life will be much better by taking the HCL supplements you need so you can optimize your digestion rather than avoiding them or using them marginally.  Fortunately, they are one of the most inexpensive supplements you can find on the market.

Taking the time to improve stomach acid levels will make a huge difference on your health and quality of life if this is an issue for you!

Final Thoughts

Optimizing your stomach acid production is very important for digesting and absorbing protein, minerals and vitamin B12.  It also helps to reduce bacterial levels and prevents against the development of bacterial overgrowth, parasites & food poisoning.

Follow my tips to support your stomach acid levels and optimize your digestive processes.  If you are looking for help improving your health, we offer long-distance functional health coaching programs. For further support with your health goals, just reach out and our fantastic coaches are here to support your journey.

Inflammation Crushing Ebundle

The Inflammation Crushing Ebundle is designed to help you improve your brain, liver, immune system and discover the healing strategies, foods and recipes to burn fat, reduce inflammation and Thrive in Life!

As a doctor of natural medicine, I have spent the past 20 years studying the best healing strategies and worked with hundreds of coaching clients, helping them overcome chronic health conditions and optimize their overall health.

In our Inflammation Crushing Ebundle, I have put together my very best strategies to reduce inflammation and optimize your healing potential.  Take a look at what you will get inside these valuable guides below!

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Sources For This Article Include:

1. Dukowicz AC, Lacy BE, Levine GM. Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth: A Comprehensive Review. Gastroenterology & Hepatology. 2007;3(2):112-122.
2. Pereira SP, Gainsborough N, Dowling RH. Drug-induced hypochlorhydria causes high duodenal bacterial counts in the elderly. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 1998 Jan;12(1):99-104. PMID: 9692707
3. Champagne ET. Low gastric hydrochloric acid secretion and mineral bioavailability. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1989;249:173-84. PMID: 2543192
4. Low Stomach Acid: The Risks, the Symptoms, and the Solutions Link Here
5. Saltzman JR, Kowdley KV, Pedrosa MC, Sepe T, Golner B, Perrone G, Russell RM. Bacterial overgrowth without clinical malabsorption in elderly hypochlorhydric subjects. Gastroenterology. 1994 Mar;106(3):615-23. PMID: 8119531
6. Tennant SM, Hartland EL, Phumoonna T, Lyras D, Rood JI, Robins-Browne RM, van Driel IR. Influence of gastric acid on susceptibility to infection with ingested bacterial pathogens. Infect Immun. 2008 Feb;76(2):639-45. PMID: 18025100
7. Cater RE 2nd. The clinical importance of hypochlorhydria (a consequence of chronic Helicobacter infection): its possible etiological role in mineral and amino acid malabsorption, depression, and other syndromes. Med Hypotheses. 1992 Dec;39(4):375-83. PMID: 1494327
8. Britton E, McLaughlin JT. Ageing and the gut. Proc Nutr Soc. 2013 Feb;72(1):173-7. PMID: 23146206
9. Betesh AL, Santa Ana CA, Cole JA, Fordtran JS. Is achlorhydria a cause of iron deficiency anemia? Am J Clin Nutr. 2015 Jul;102(1):9-19. PMID: 25994564

glymphatic system, Glymphatic System: Critical for Brain and Immune Health

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  1. This is the most thorough and indepth explanation of my acid reflux. Thank you Dr. Jockers. I will start the betaine today since I have it but proberly. Nexium precribed by a specialist for acid reflux helped a little but ankles hurt so bad I couldn’t walk 2 miles a day then read about Nexium and bone fractures. Dr. Jockers article is outstanding and right on with my acid reflex daily problem.

  2. Thank you Dr. Jockers ~ For providing such clear (with visuals) explanations of how health problems occur, and how to heal them. I am addressing a plethera of concerns ~ and your excellent presentations are fantastic to learn how the body systems really work!
    Would you please consider putting a PRINT icon link (at top of your articles) for those of us who read from paper preferably, (due to difficulty viewing in front of computers and electronics – for various reasons). Seemingly more websites do electronic links to FB, Twitter etc. and omit “printing” – an important option too.
    I love your spirit in seeking, teaching and helping so capably ~ in providing safe, natural and effective solutions are super important ~ you and the other wise practitioners are really appreciated!
    I have just found your awesome website and begun to read your articles that are addressing so clearly – many of my health
    challenges! Thank you again.

    1. Thank you so much for all the encouragement and love Sue! It is a great reward for me to see my research and publications making a difference in people’s lives.

      We actually do have a print button, it is on the bottom of every article and recipe, right under the citations. Many Blessings!

      1. OMG ! I only saw the internet icons on the R of your articles!
        Thanks again ~ after I just spent an hour cutting and pasting!
        They should be all in the same place, no (?) but now I will now look under citations on other websites!

        Blessings! Lynn

          1. I have looked and looked and I cannot find any print button. There are all the social media icons on the left, but no print icon. I see the
            comment below also cannot find; at least I am not the only one! I do
            appreciate your thorough, easy to understand articles with step by
            step instructions. Thank you so much Dr. Jockers. Blessings, Iwana

      2. I can’t find a print button anywhere. I did look at the end of the citations and
        scrolled through the article several times which is how I found this comment.
        Can you help?

  3. Very interesting article!! I’m wondering if these steps you have given will also help with Bile Reflux which is what I have been diagnosed with? I am wanting to heal this without meds! Thank you.

  4. Every time I tape HCl it burns painfully, I was wondering if I should even be taking it because I have gastritis. If not what are some alternatives I can consume?

  5. Thanks for such an interesting article. I have Barretts oesophagus and have been took I must take Nexium every day or else!. Wondering what you think as to this?

  6. Asalam o Alaikum! Superb work on most important health issue with which many people are suffering but a few of them are aware. you simply helped a lot. ALLAH bless u.

  7. Hi Dr Jockers.

    couple quick questions…. is their a limit on how many capsules you should take? I have tried the HCL challenge and got up to 12 caps per meal and I still didnt notice any discomfort… I got a little worried I was taking to much but wasnt sure if there is a cut off or not

    2nd question is should you only take HCL with meals that contain protein? and does that include protein shakes?

    Looking forward to your response


    1. Great questions Curtis. I usually stop my clients around 3 grams of betaine HCL as an upper limit. You may also need to be using a lot of things to support stomach acid like aloe, slippery elm, marshmallow root tea. Obviously all the recommendations in this article as well to boost up your HCL production.

      1. What about the protein shake part of the question? I am most interested in knowing the answer to that part of the question too

          1. Dr., you state, “Protein shakes are pre-metabolized and very easy to digest and do not depend upon HCL production. ” I don’t know if that is always true. The protein supplement powder I take, Vega Sport Protein, has stuff in it to promote digestion, as well as some of the contents are sprouted. But I find it hard to believe that all protein powders are automatically “easier” to digest. What do you think.

          2. Hey Samia, Protein shakes are easier to digest than eating meat or other sources of protein because the blender has broken the components of the shake into very small particles and the digestive system does not have to work hard to absorb them. Hope that clarifies!

  8. hi. does it make any difference if ur protein is from vegetarian sources (legumes w/grains, soy products, especially fermented, etc)? for example, eating proteins 1st, drinking very little liquid w/meals w/meat, etc? thank u very much 4 any info.

  9. Dear Dr. Jockers,

    This article is very well-written and very helpful! This is the best article regarding low stomach acid problem I ever read. Thank you for your excellent job and your generosity to help others!


  10. Great article, thanks a lot!

    I am plagued with many of the symptoms you list plus:

    1. Balooning of an empty stomach upon drinking only one glass of water

    2. Aversion to oranges, yet lemon, ginger, red hot bell pepper powder are very helpful

    3. Aversion to fatty substances, yet low quantities of eggs, milk, butter, or chicken are fine

    4. Minimal (teaspoon) consumption of “hyper-fatty” substances like “Ghee” or “Farm” trigger complete closure of the pyloric valve, bringing digestion to a complete standstill for exactly 12hrs, after which burping exhibits a smell the likes of badly fermented old eggs, causing nausia, until the stomach is completly emptied with the last few thrusts being pure stomach acid, while bananas deliver immediate relief in such a state.

    Any thoughts?

        1. Banana, when it is ripe, offers finely dispersed emulsified starch; that starch is forming a barrier in the stomach lining. It is “coating the stomach” from inside, reducing the irritation.
          Hypothetically, banana is also reducing acidity of stomach, so it may help the hyper-acid sufferers as well.
          But, the way your situation was described, it looks like you have reduced acidity and the “coating factor” is what helping in your case.

          Be well, Joseph.

  11. Hi Dr Jockers,
    Thank you for your articles & all your responses.
    I usually get heartburn after drinking my protein shake (with coconut oil). You’ve said not to take HCL with protein shake, so any advice for me?

  12. Hi Dr Jockers, Thanks so much for posting this info. I have been living in hell since I stopped taking prilosec (only a 3 month prescription). Now, I have started taking HCL with Pepsin and seen a HUGE difference in my acid reflux. I am up to 2 HCL caps per meal without any adverse reaction. Although, I have a new dilemma I am now feeling bloated a long time after meals and have gained weight.

  13. I have been diagnosed with IBS. There is a list of foods I can not eat. Which cause gas and cramping and soft stool usually the next morning. I usually have 4-5 trips to the bathroom before the gas and cramping is done. Then I’m fine till the next episode. This can happen 3-4 times a week. Too much fiber creates this problem as well as hard to digest foods for example iceberg lettuce, skin on fruits and vegetables, dry foods, onion, spicy foods etc. I do have some of the symptoms above. I have no heartburn. This problem occurred after menopause, about 15 yrs ago. It’s a quality of life issue for me. Do you have any insight on what I can do to help this issue?

    1. Sorry to hear about this Fran, I know it can be overwhelming. There could be multiple factors at play here like a microbial imbalance, SIBO, food sensitivities that you are unaware of, leaky gut, etc. You could try an Elimination diet and see if this improves your condition. Working with our nutritionist may be really helpful as well! You can reach her at nutrition@drjockers.com

  14. Hi! I have recently started on HCL but notice that though I feel better during and right after the meal, my reflux symptoms return within an hour. I think my LES is malfunctioning but I don’t know how to prove or correct it. Any advice is appreciated.

  15. Hello Dr. Jockers!

    Within the last several months, I’ve been having a lot of symptoms related to IBS. Gas, stomach cramps, diarrhea, and constipation have been the main symptoms. I’ve also dealt with acne for awhile. I’ve done a lot research about low stomach acid and the gut skin connection. It seems like it doesn’t matter what I eat; I’m in constant pain and my acne doesn’t get better no matter what I eat. I started taking enzymes and haven’t seen a huge difference. I really think my acne is due to digestion and I want to get it over with and also want to help friends and family members that also have similar issues. What do you think I should do? Thank you so much!

    1. Hey Gabriel, so sorry to here about this! Your gut needs some attention. The digestive restoration program would be a great place to start. You could also email one of our health coaches if you are interested in a individualized plan! Otherwise you may want to consider an elimination diet with gut healing strategies:

      1. Thank you Dr. Jockers! Would there be a time this week that I could visit with you over the phone to ask you a few questions and maybe setup an individualized program? I looked at your articles and watched your videos. It all makes so much sense! I really just want to successfully get rid of whatever I have, so if you can help me to figure out exactly what I need to do that would be amazing! Thank you so much and God bless!

        1. Hey Gabriel!

          One of our Functional Nutrition Practitioners would be happy to work with you! You can reach them through the “Coaching” tab at the top of this page. They each offer a free 10-minute introductory call.

        2. Hello Dr. Jockers! I just have a few questions for you. I was visiting with my Father about what you’ve said and your digestive restoration program. I’ve had no lab work done because of the expense involved. I have a lot of the symptoms related to leaky gut, low stomach acid, sibo, and ibs, but don’t know what I have. My father is hesitant about setting up an appointment with you or any of your colleagues because we would be doing over the phone or online and he doesn’t know if I’m going to really fix whatever I have. My question is if this digestive restoration program doesn’t work, what would I do? Would I have to eat differently after the month is over? Has your program helped a lot of people with similar symptoms that I have? I also wanted to thank you for writing all your great articles! It’s been a great learning experience and the way you explain it makes tons of sense to me. I feel like some Doctors just want to prescribe you this medicine or this topical cream and you end up spending tons of money and you never fix the real problem. Thank you as well for always getting back to me. I really appreciate it!

          1. The digestive health restoration program has helped many people with these issues Gabriel! The best option is to get lab work done and work with a practitioner so they can make an individualized plan geared towards what we see in those labs. The digestive health restoration program is still a very powerful tool for all of these issues as long as you follow it as it is presented. These issues very often have common ties in the body and that is why I made the program to address these things! Thanks for reading!

  16. HELP! I need HCL for low stomach acid but am not absorbing anything in pill form due to SIBO and other gi issues.

    Can I remove the hcl from the capsule and put on food or would apple cider vinegar be ok to use and if ACV is ok to use how much should I take per meal for it to digest my food?

    Or is there a sublingual or liquid form I could take?

    1. Hey Jean,

      You can use ACV as well as an HCl supplement. Make sure to take HCl halfway through or after your meal. Start with one cap and add one each solid food meal until you feel slight indigestion. Once you reach this level, take one less as your standard dose. So if 4 gives you indigestion, take 3 with your solid food meals.

      1. How do you use acv, my practitioner said to take a tablespoon in 4 oz of water before my eve meal to help with digestion, I do not have reflux but do have some burping and late in the day gas.

  17. I’ve just been told I have an ulcer. I don’t want to take it, but I’ve been prescribed ezomeprazole, but know that I get severe diarrhoea from taking just one 15mg lanzoprozole in the past and suspect I have low stomach acid because when I did the acid test with baking soda it took between 20 and 55 minutes to burp. Would it be safe to try the Betain HCL when I have an ulcer? I’m thinking about getting some Zinc Carnosine and Slippery Elm to help restore the gut integrity and have been on a low FODMAP diet for 6 weeks (no gluten). Thanks for all your fabulous information.

    1. Hey Mandy,

      You will probably want to avoid HCl until you employ a gut healing protocol first. I typically recommend doing a 30 day liquid meal plan to take stress off the digestive tract and rebuild the intestinal wall.

      1. Dr. Jockers, thank you so much for this comprehensive article. Where can I read about the 30 day liquid meal plan? I’m interested in doing this as I have been dealing with intestinal/stomach issues for years (gas, the smell of foods I eat coming through my pores an hour later (leaky gut?). All the things I’ve tried that are supposed to be great to heal the gut – ACV, lemon water, coconut oil, supplements to rebuild the gut wall – give me horrible body odor. I tested negative for celiac etc and don’t really fit the IBS/Crohn’s profile. I do not have acid reflux. I tried to do a green smoothie 30 day plan, and the first 2 weeks went great and then I suffered severely debilitating stomach pains, and almost ended up in the hospital. They went away once I stopped juicing. My gastro told me my body cannot handle that amount of raw vegetables and that juicing a vegetable does not actually make it easier to digest. Would I be able to do pureed soups on the liquid meal plan?

        1. Kay,

          Sorry to hear about these health challenges. We have a Digestive Health Restoration Program that could be really helpful. https://drjockershdg.wpengine.com/the-digestive-health-restoration-program/ You could also work with one of our health coaches. You could try a 3-5 day bone broth fast followed by a another 5 day liquid nutrition phase where you consume smoothies, soups, and puddings. Blueberry Gut Healing Protein Shake, Turmeric Zuchini soup, and Chocolate Avocado Pudding are some good recipes to try!

        2. Hi, Kay. I once purchased one if those bullet blender devices and then thought about how eating so many more veggies would entail ingesting so many more potentially toxic insectescides and sprays. Perhaps it wS this and not the veg you reacted to. The entire topic of digestion is complex and Dr. Jockers really helps shed some light. I am allergic to mold. Is ACV good or bad fir someone with low stomach acid symptoms but a mold allergy? Also wondering if low stomach acid contributes to or perhaps even is causetal of environmental allergies?

  18. Does taking betaine HCL cause your body to stop producing its own stomach acid? i heard that is a danger with melatonin (that your body stops producing its own melatonin), so i am wondering if taking HCL on a regular basis and longterm can cause a problem down the road. Thank you

    1. That is a great question Maria. The answer is no. In fact, taking supplemental HCL will help your body produce its own stomach acid. This is because it helps to reduce stress on the bodies digestive system, reduce inflammation and improve nutrient absorption. All of that results in better digestive juice production and improve stomach acid.

      1. It’s what they call a Catch 22 situation, is it not. You need protein and minerals to produce adequate hydrochloric acid, but if you don’t have the HCl, then you can’t extract the necessary nutrients, so that is where supplementation of one kind or another comes in. ACV or Betaine HCl.

        When I think of all the people with various symptoms of low stomach acid being diagnosed with high stomach acid, I want to scream. Doctors, many of them, are so, so useless – and damaging to our health.

  19. My husband is on Keytruda and is responding well to it but I’m not sure what to do for his stomach. He doesn’t burp after soda 1st in am. He used to love meat but now he can’t stomach it. He had taken soda in water to help his stomach for several months and I’m afraid he now has no stomach acid. Pain tonight in lower abd after one hcl tablet following small serloin burger. He also c/o terrible taste in his mouth causing lack of appitite. Please advise.

    1. So sorry to hear this Peg. I would make sure he follows the instructions in this article and also follows a healing diet here: https://drjockershdg.wpengine.com/5-benefits-healing-diet/

      For supplements, we need to soothe and rebuild his gastrointestinal lining as it sounds like he has an ulcer. I would recommend our Gut Healing Protein, Gut Repair (2 scoops of each every day in a shake) and taking digestive enzymes with meals.

      Gut Repair: https://store.drjockershdg.wpengine.com/products/gut-repair

      Gut Healing Protein: https://store.drjockershdg.wpengine.com/products/gi-cleanse-protein

      Super Dzyme: https://store.drjockershdg.wpengine.com/products/super-dzyme

  20. Hi Dr. Jockers,

    I have continuous burping and on heavy meal with protein i will have GERD from last 6 years. Last year i started taking PPI’s and H2 blockers as suggested by Doctors, but the symptoms never reduced. After i get up in the morning i get body pain and i also started developing severe back pains. Now i have stopped all kind of medications and continuing with my problems. Please suggest me what to do to get rid of burping and GERD, along with body pain and back pain.

    1. Hey RAJU you will likely need a plan to restore your digestive health. This is a great one: https://drjockershdg.wpengine.com/the-digestive-health-restoration-program/

      You could use HCl and Enzyme Supplementation with meals which we carry both (Acid ProZyme & SuperDZyme)

      Our health coach Michael would be happy to work with you if you wanted to do a coaching plan as well. He can put together a custom health plan for you that takes into account everything you’ve got going on. Email him at michael@drjockers.com

  21. Hi Dr. Jockers
    Thank you for this great comprehensive article, I found it very useful. But Ive got a question for you in regards to low stomach acid and alkaline water. How alkaline water affects stomach acid? I do have an ongoing issue with low stomach acid. I was introduced to the idea of drinking alkaline water for many general health benefits. How would that affect my condition, as there are very confusing opinions on a net.
    Thank you for your time

  22. I have started taking HCL with pepsin – one twice a day with meals – and would like to increase but as I have silent acid reflux and a loose esophegeal sphincter I am not sure I would experience any heartburn to indicate I am taking too much. Can you advise?

  23. Hello Dr. Jockers,
    I’m 39 years old and up until a year and a half ago when I was diagnosed with very low stomach acid (Heiglberg test) I was a vegetarian for about 20 years. I was treated for SIBO and began eating small amounts of chicken about once a day. I’m still having trouble digesting food. I can see it in my stools and about once a day, I get the feeling like a brick is sitting in my stomach. I’m supplementing with HCL with pepsin, digestive enzymes and Absinthium liquid that I’ve gotten from my naturopath. I’m up to 6 HCL tabs with no burn at all. I’m wondering if I keep taking these supplements do you think my body will eventually start making its own acid?? I do sometimes notice a slight headache with HCL but feel it’s worth it if I can digest what I’ve eaten. Although, most of the time, it still isn’t helping. Any advise?? Thank you!

    1. Hey Katie, definitely follow the strategies above as close as possible. If you are noticing that you are still having trouble digesting even the using HCl, you may want to consider working with one of our health coaches to put together a plan for this!

  24. I got acid reflux from taking 1 betaine hcl tablet with a big protein meal! This happened on a number of occasions! Someone recommend I take even more a one or two could cause problems but a higher dose may not! I kind of worked as I got less acid reflux at 4 tablets. Love your articles by the way

    1. Hey David! Yes the heart burn after taking one may be a sign that you weren’t taking enough to signal the esophageal sphincter between your throat and stomach to close. Once you hit that upper threshold where it seems to go away, that is where you should keep your dosage.

  25. Hello Dr. Jockers ,

    This article is well explained. Good one.
    I am 32 years old and I had a good poisoning months ago , then first migraine attack , then frequent sinus.
    My intake of water is too less. I suddenly developed vaginal itching followed with anal itching.
    Was treated for yeast infection with flucozanol, creams, vaginal suppositories,
    The pain and rashes cleared but mild itch is always there.

    With much caution I found some foods r not suiting me , sugar , gluten , processed food, spicy , high fat , high protein. I avoid all of them but eat a tiny amt sometimes.

    Now I have gas bloating , acid reflux , hungre like feel even in full stomach , immediate noisy movement in tummy region then urgency to defacate.

    My doc checked for yeast infection , blood test , urine test etc. Everything is normal

    Could u please tell me what is causing what.

    Is it stomach issue causing bacterial overgrowth with yeast , or yeast overgrowth causing stomach pblms.

    What tests should I do.

    I only feel good when I eat small amt , avoid all fodmap food and have yogurt with probiotic. But I know I am not normal.

    Itch in anal and vaginal area is there in mild.

    It was informative reading this article.

    1. Hey Jessica, So sorry to hear about these struggles. It sounds like low stomach acid and microbial imbalance. Start with the strategies in this article: https://drjockershdg.wpengine.com/8-ways-to-reduce-gas-and-farting/ and consider using some gentle anti microbial, such as this one: https://store.drjockershdg.wpengine.com/collections/top-sellers/products/gi-regulator. You may also consider sending an email to our Functional Nutrition Practitioner Michael to get started on a digestive restoration program. His email is michael@drjockers.com

  26. Hi Dr Jockers
    I have chronic gastritis and mild candidaitis.
    I take HCL with each meal
    Not sure if this is aggravating the lining
    how can i increase stomach acid if i cant take HCL becuase of current inflammation
    thanks and kind regards

  27. Interesting article. Thanks!

    I suggest correcting a mistake in your presentation of the chemistry. Sodium bicarbonate does NOT contain OH- ions; it contains bicarbonate ions (HCO3-). The reaction you are describing is as follows:

    H+ + HCO3- = CO2 + H2O

    This could also be written as:

    HCl + NaHCO3 = NaCl + CO2 + H2O

    Perhaps you are confusing sodium bicarbonate with milk of magnesia (Mg(OH)2), which does contain OH- ions.

  28. It’s a great article. I have been suffering from Autoimmune problems i.e Low B12, Pernicious anemia & presence of Anti parietal cells. Due to non-advise from doctors, I was given B12 injections very late, so by the time I started the treatment, I already had the atrophic gastritis with little or no stomach acid . Then I started having all the cyclic problems which you explained in your article. I have leaky gut, SIBO, candids, bad absorption, vitiligo etc. etc. looks like the origin of the problem is the low stomach acid. Though I am trying with HCL supplement, kefir, sauerkraut nothing has been improved. Also, I have the elevated gastrin levels (>1000) & I am scared of tumour cells. So bit lost.

    Can you help?

  29. Hi Dr Jockers, I have just started adding hack to my protein meals. I have suffered from fatigue issues and have noticed some positive changes with hcl. My energy is improved and my tongue is now a healthy pink, not coated as before. I also feel much more clear headed. But I have also noticed that I am much hungrier now. Also I’m not sleeping as well because I am feeling so energized. I have also experienced some leg cramps. Is this due to the hcl using more magnesium? Please shed some light on this.
    Thank you!

  30. Hello, Dr. Jockers. I’m so glad you’re still monitoring these comments. 🙂 I’ve been following the advice on acid reflux that, among other things, prohibits tomatoes, coffee/caffeine, chocolate, and citrus fruit. But these items don’t seem to appear on lists I’ve found so far regarding low stomach acid. Are they still off limits? Thank you!

  31. Hi dear! M very upset because my mother suffering from decease which is still could not diagnosed by the doctors from last 6 months at start 6 months before she compliant that she could not pass the food from there esophagus easily. Then time passes and she uses lots of medicins but no one was affective. And now the situation is even she cannot pass the drink through food pipe. Kindly reply me and tell me something about this condition.

  32. Hi Dr, I have been diagnosed with H.pylori and chronic gastritis 5 years ago. I was given antibiotics for the h.pylori and omeprazole for the acid reflux. I’m still taking omeprazole 20mg currently but my stomach has not improved in 5 years. I’m certain I have low stomach acid. Would you recommend I take HCL supplements with my conditon of chronic gastritis? Thanks.

  33. What an amazing article Dr. Jockers….. thank you !

    Question, can I apply all these suggestions to my condition : lactose intolerance and Gerd

    Lika Richards

  34. can my h pylori cause shortness of breath. i have been experiencing shortness of breath after a meal how can i deal with this.

  35. Hi Dr. Jockers.

    Thank you for the article. I have been following a ketogenic diet since January 2018 and started incorporating intermittent fasting and a few longer fasts of 2-5 days. Initially I was losing weight at a steady pace (27 pounds over three months) but since March I have not been able to lose any. I have actually gained weight. In May my hair started falling out/thinning dramatically and I suspect that my stomach acid levels are low. I get very bloated and gaseous after each meal and sometimes I experience bloating when I havent eaten. Some mornings, upon waking I burp and it tastes as though my food from the night before is still sitting in my stomach. I have experienced a little bit of a burning feeling in my esophagus on occasion but cant really seem to tie it to any specific foods. This burning feeling usually comes about when I havent eaten/several hours after eating.

    I drink water with fresh squeezed lemon regulary, take a tablespoon of ACV before or with meals, supplement with probiotics and sacchromyces boulardi, take digestive enzymes with my meals. Despite all of this I am still having these issues. I also eat plenty of leafy greens and cruciferous vegtables (about 7-10 cups a day).

    Do you suspect that this is indeed due to low stomach acid? I never had these issues before keto and intermittent fasting. Is it possible that either of those contributed to the problems I am now having? I am feeling hopeless and fear that my body is not agreeing with my new keto and IF lifestyle.

    I would greatly appreciate it if you would share your thoughts and any advice you may have.

  36. Dr.,

    What is your opinion on the use of Coca-Cola with its phosphoric acid. Many people jokingly say that coke will dissolve iron! The reality is that it is not a joke, it IS very acidic. I would think that it would be helpful in instances of low stomach acid.

  37. Dr. Axe recommends taking Betaine HCL BEFORE meals. Dr. Jockers recommends taking Betaine HCL mid-way or AFTER meals. How can something so essential to know as the appropriate time of usage for a prophylactic be in dispute or open to interpretation??? https://draxe.com/what-is-betaine/

    1. Not sure what his reasoning is but I like to allow your stomach to produce its own stomach acid first then use HCL to supplement what is already there. If you take it before meals then you may not produce as much of your own!

      1. I heard a webinar speaker say that hcl should be taken 30 to 60 minutes AFTER a meal. Comment?

  38. Thank you for the tremendous dedication to human life. I’ve been taking red yeast rice to lower and maintain cholesterol. My wife was on States for high cholesterol and she too would rather use a natural remedy. She switched to red yeast rice and blood test indicate each of us are well with in the o.k. counts. She, my wife, has been experiencing heart burn, constipation, acid reflux for many years. Recently, it seems to be after every meal. She started taking hcl, and it has helped the heartburn.

    I read that red yeast rice can cause gaterol intestinal problems for some of us. Have you done any research on bacterial issues, or yeast infections, and the effect of red yeast rice?

  39. Dr. JockersP
    I had my gallbladder removed . I wish to this day (20 years later) that I had not done that. Reason was nausea. Removal of gallbladder did not help with that. I have everyday nausea and frequent diarrhea. Constant concern for a rush call while out and about.
    So, does gallbladder removed complicate this whole issue and does the same advice here help with my symtoms.

  40. Dr.,

    How long should one wait after consuming betaine hydrochloride, before consuming mineral carbonates (calcium/magnesium/potassium/sodium)? Though the carbonate forms have an antacid effect, the opposite effect to what one is aiming for when using betaine hydrochloride, I feel that the carbonate forms agree with my system more than do citrate, malate and other non-carbonate forms (e.g. calcium citrate, magnesium malate). What is your opinion of the practice of purposely oscillating between acidulation and alkalinization with nutritional supplements?

  41. I am currently taking Eliquis for my Pulmonary embolism attack. Can I use HCL with Pepsin since I have acid reflux. Kindly advise.

  42. sir i am very skinny but still i have a very bloated belly which begins to swell the moment i drink a glass of water empty stomach.i have no other digestive issues such as heartburn acid reflux constipation and diarrhea. i have white tongue coating ,grey hair, oily skin,extreme ear wax, oily scalp ,acne and no sex drive and i know all these stem from my digestive issues only.also, i have started 2 spoons acv before meals and there is 30% improvement in bloating.
    1:should i add betaine hcl or continue with acv
    2:i dont eat meat so should i have betaine with all meals ?

  43. Dear Dr.Jockers, kindly advise;

    1. If over consuming of alkaline water and taking alkaline water during/right after meal in a long term basis will cause stomach low acidity and it’s related illnesses?

    2. If I choose to take ACV as supplement to increase stomach acid level by taking it with a cup of plain water in the morning, will this help?

    3. Should I take ACV halfway through a meal just like how consuming HCL?

    Appreciate your reply.

  44. A Cheema
    December 3,2028

    Dear Dr. Jockeys,

    Need advice really bad. My daughter has been suffering from really bad pains in her stomach and the pains also spread to her back and when she eats they get worse. She feels heavy in the chest and is burping every five to ten minutes a day. All of this started in March of 2018 where she would complain of stomach pain once or twice a month. During that time she started to have hair fall and has lost more then half of her hair followed with fatigue in her arms. However things got more serious in September 2018 when her continuous burping started and her stomach pains become more frequent and started to feel nausea especially after meals followed with vomiting. She feels extreme weakness and tired all the time. The family doctor has prescribed pantorazole 40mg to her. It has reduced her burping and reduced a little of her pains. But still she is having pains and weakness. She is 14 years old and is missing a lot of school, please help

  45. i had an infection from parasites from about 8 years ago that never went away until recently i took parabiotic and it destryoed the parasites. My dr said i have high acid and gave me some prilozec for a few weeks he said the bacteria may have caused me to release high acid. Does this sound probable or do you think it could be mistaken for low acid and i should try hcl?

    1. No, bacteria won’t cause you to secrete more acid. However, it may have lowered your stomach acid and not allowed your esophageal sphincter to close. I would be sure to work on strategies to improve your stomach acid levels!

  46. I had an esophageal motility test done and was told I had no significant reflux. Then an ENT told me I had terrible scarring and blistering in my throat and that I had silent reflux. I am confused about the discrepancy in the tests. Will the baking soda test and possible supplementing with HCL be enough for me to stop the reflux and heal my throat? I don’t have many acid reflux symptoms at all. My only symptom was choking at night.

  47. sir i am very skinny but still i have a very bloated belly which begins to swell the moment i drink a glass of water empty stomach.i have no other digestive issues such as heartburn acid reflux constipation and diarrhea. i have white tongue coating ,grey hair, oily skin,extreme ear wax, oily scalp ,acne and no sex drive and i know all these stem from my digestive issues only.also, i have started 2 spoons acv before meals and there is 30% improvement in bloating.
    1:should i add betaine hcl or continue with acv
    2:i dont eat meat so should i have betaine with all meals ?

  48. This info is really good for me, as I ate a lot of sweet chocolate things around Christmas and now I am having symptoms of LOW stomach acid! What the hey…

    Anyway, I have an old-ish nutrition book that I swear by – Let’s Get Well by Adelle Davis, published in 1965, and she has interesting things to say about low stomach acid and hydrochloric acid supplementation. In those days, there were no pills like now, you had to drink the stuff thru a straw. LOL. Anyway, she says that taking HCl is a crutch – but an absolutely necessary crutch, and after your acid levels are back up, you can probably discontinue.

      1. Thanks for your kindness. I needed a kick in the pants to restart eating correctly and my post Christmas symptoms were it… 🙂

  49. I have taken HCL in the past and was taking 18 caps and still no reaction, I quit taking it because that’s just to many to take. I have sibo (methane) and histamine intolerance. What’s the best thing to try and increase stomach acid that won’t cause histamine reactions.

  50. Thanks for this informative article. I have an issue in that i can no longer tolerate my supplements b12 and mulit. i have discovered that if i take 1 tsp acv in 1/2 cup water in the morning then after two-3 days i dont feel agitated or vibrating from my small amount of vitamin. Im only taking a finger lick of a seeking health minus one capsule at this point as its all i can handle. I did work up to two licks so about 1/5 of a daily capsule but was told acv was bad for me.The problem is i believe i have an histamine issue i get flushing cheeks on and off through out the day and very congested along with noisy ears and adrenaline reactions causing anxiety . so im wondering if the acv is replacing some of that hcl that is needed. I have a problem with most greens and oranges other than that i am unsure. Would this be a recommended treatment to help with histamine instead of acv. im honestly so lost at this point i dont know what to take. i also have hashimotos.

  51. Firstly thank you for this brilliant article which explains low stomach acid and why it can trigge heartburn. I took PPI’s for 20 years and I have low stomach acid as proven by doing the bicarbonate of soda test. Thanks to your article I started supplementing with HCL and I take 2 capsules after a meal which works great, except when I eat a tomato based sauce. It always gives me heartburn. Any ideas? I don’t wether there actually is too much acid in my stomach? Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance

      1. A friend has issues with tomatoes too. I know most heartburn is a result of not enough stomach acid. My question is does the sensitivity/allergy cause a situation that actually does result in too much acid temporarily? Or is it a sign that there may be some damage in the stomach/esophagus area?
        Thank you!

        1. Hi Eric, Food sensitivities can result in low stomach acid during digestion. However, long term inflammation to the esophagus from a food sensitivity and heartburn can damage the esophagus and create serious conditions. Consulting with a functional practitioner can help your friend customize a specific plan to get to the root cause of the heartburn. These articles can help: https://drjockershdg.wpengine.com/beat-acid-reflux-naturally/, https://drjockershdg.wpengine.com/functional-nutrition-tips-to-find-a-great-health-coach/

  52. A great article – thank you. Hello from Queensland in Australia. I was taught by our health professionals to eat our fruit first; then approx10 mins eat our veg & salads. Then our protein (meat etc). After whiple surgery with no GB, only tail end of pancreas & 1/3 of stomach gone, it’s a huge problem to digest foods. I must take HCL prior to starting protein & now at 79 yrs still travelling ok. I do make my own Kombucha, take Tahitian Noni Juice & quality minerals & vitamins and juices / smoothies I am seeing from your excellent info that some of my adult sons need to listen to you. Warm regards

    1. Hey Carmel, yes I was originally taught that as well. But I have learned it is best to avoid eating fruit with meat. You can use fruit in smoothies or with healthy fats, but not with protein (unless it is a protein powder).

  53. Hello Thanks for your great Articles ,so informative. I’m 82yrs old and have had Gerd for over 30 years.Many allergies,by skin testing lastly today
    I did have a wheat allergy two years ago and have been eating Gluten free
    Lost 20lbs in weight and was feeling better,but have been taking a concoction of Lemons garlic and ginger 4ozs in the AM for 6months .It has given me more energy and I do feel better .Im also allergic to the Mustard family of foods which is Kale,Broccoli,Cauliflower Cabbage e ct which I have been omitting for 3months .
    ISince NovemberIve eaten a little wheat because the tests showed I’m no longer allergic.However despite taking the Omnaprozole daily for a year I’m still getting symptoms,like pain in my left side ,waist area and some spasms of pain when I eat a little wheat . Also Constipation alt with soft stools for two days I’m quite confused where to go from here.Probably try the Soda bicarb test for low stomach acid ,then try to cut out more foods.
    I’m tryingvto stop the Omnaprazole as I know it’s not good to stay on it too long.I do intermittent fasting 16-20 hrs and drink lots if Water.
    Please any advice would be appreciated,on what I should do next be it elimination Diet, fasting ,digestive enzymes ect Thank you Dr Jockers.

  54. Hi Dr. Jockers,
    I have a lot of symptoms of low stomach acid, but my stomach burns after every meal no matter the protein content (except oatmeal for some reason). How do I preform the HCl test? I know I’m supposed to up my dosage until my stomach feels warm… but my stomach always burns, so how do I know my dosage?

          1. ok, thank you for your replies. I am lost and at the end of my rope. I have tried a lot of the ideas in the article you linked to and I am still no better. Will improving the lining help the low stomach acid or do I have to attack that after the lining is healed?

  55. Thank you for addressing low stomach acid protocols with HCL. I am going to try the test tomorrow with baking soda. Did you address a protocol if the test shows high acid? Thank you!

    1. You will get excessive burping if you have too much acid but this is very rare. If you have this…than we focus on gut soothing agents like DGL, aloe vera, MSM, Mastic gum, L-glutamine, Zinc Carnosine, etc.

  56. Hi Dr,
    I have a non verbal son with ASD who won’t swallow pills/Capsules. He always has undigested food in stools (looks like pured version of what went in). Avoids most if not all meat. Can the be sprinkeld on top of protien containing meals? Or cooked into foods? Would combining a digestive enzyme help?

    Thank you for any help you could give!

    1. Sorry to hear this Carey! Unfortunately, this cannot be cooked in. I would try adding apple cider vinegar to the meat and see if that helps and also taking a good digestive enzyme for sure.

  57. I have Parkinson’s and am midway thru an amino acid supplement protocol using Mucuna as dopamine source & support with B6, 5HTP, cysteine, tyrosine. Prior to initiating this protocol I had very little appetite, bloating, & very little energy, along with my other PD symptoms. 5 months into this 7 month program, I still have very little appetite, bloating plus addition of nausea almost daily from mild to mod, several times just shy of vomiting as I have to eat 3 meals a day to take supplements and Mucuna tends to cause nausea. Can’t increase Mucuna dose until nausea dealt with. Dr is increasing 5HTP supplement to decrease nausea, but not getting there, Very frustrating for me. At our Skype appointment this week he said I might have low stomach acid & would get back to me next week. I have waited long enough and decided to be proactive. Reading your article, I am pretty certain that low stomach acid is at least a significant part of my problem. Interesting that low acid affects amino acid absorbtion. Wondering if you have worked with PD patients and/or have any suggestions beyond or with the info in your article. Thanks! Great article, lots of good info.

  58. Hi, interesting article, but if i have a hiatus hernia the stomach valve wont shut anyway despite increased stomach acid with the aid of any of your suggestions. Or will it? If not , then surely the acid in the reflux will be stronger and cause more tissue damage wherever the reflux reaches? Is this why many doctors suggest acid inhibitors?
    Your comments please.

  59. My son and I have done the baking soda test the last three mornings.
    My son belches right away and then has gurgles 2 days around 51 seconds and 2:20 seconds and one day at 2 minutes 30 seconds. He was diagnosed with gerd and has been taking Omeprazole for just over a year. We just started weaning him off of Omeprazole yesterday. He was also diagnosed with gastroparesis, but that maybe a false positive because eggs were used and we discovered he has a very high sensitivity to egg whites and yolk. When eating eggs regularly he had reflux, nausea, loss of appetite, and cold like symptoms. He’s doing much better now that we avoid his food sensitivities, but he still has food regurgitation once on most days. He is very gassy and burps throughout the day. We’re trying to wean him off of Reglan as well as Omeprazole. What are your thoughts on his acid level and what do you recommend?
    I had gurgling the first morning at about 55 seconds, but the next two days I had now burps or gurgling. Do you think foods are causing my acid level to change? The last two days of no gurgles/burps I’ve been constipated and some acne popping up. What do you recommend for me?

  60. I was diagnosed with hpylori about 4 years ago. I had 2 rounds of antibiotics and then I had relief for quite some time! I use natural things to keep it eradicated. But my biggest problems now is insomnia, very fatigue, and just a bad sick feeling all over. What can I do to fix this I’m so bad I’m not able to work ! And now I’m having problems with my feet and legs numbness and tingling! I’m at a loss as what I should do ! I’m having chest congestion and sinus issues bad too. I would appreciate any advice.

  61. Hello, Doctor. I have tried betaine HCL in the past and could tolerate many capsules. Recently however taking more than 2 capsules (2 caps =300mg of Betaine of the brand i’m taking) causes me vertigo and balance problems consistent with stomach lining irritation symptoms, which decrease progressively in 2-5 days upon discontinuation of the Betaine supplement. Do you have any insights on the matter? I have all the symptoms of low stomach acid other than GERD.

  62. I’ve gotten up to 12 650mg capsules of HCL with no burning sensation and no noticable relief of digestive issues. Do I keep going??? I’ve used a couple different brands so don’t think its due to the quality of the product. Is there a limit to how much HCL can be taken?

    I eat Paleo-ish, lots of vegetables, seeds and meat-usually fish or chicken. I super hydrate with electrolytes outside of meal times, 16:8 IF and have been working on eating in a relaxed state. How long does it typically take for the body to normalize stomach acid after implementing these strategies?

  63. Hi Dr J,
    I’ve been vegan for a while now, my main symptoms are GERD (can this be due to stomach acid?) and bloating/food not really moving very fast!! Gone from 3-4 bowl movements a day to 1. Is this likely due to low stomach acid or SIBO? I have done 2 tests for low stomach acid and both positive (bicarb and HCL) I also eat a lot of meals without protein, maybe sweet potatoe with avocado and a side of collards and brocolli should I take 0 HCI with these meals or just less? Thank you for your article man, really helpful.

  64. I have read your articles on your website in relation to Gut Issues.

    I HAD severe Acid Reflux and Gas symptoms before started taking Betaine HCL with Pepsin. That one is a life changing advise by you. It is working well.
    my concerns are, for how long am i going to take this medicine for? I am only 41 and don’t wish to take supplements too early in my life. I am currently on tablet a day in the evening and i am living fine with it. But i believe it is too much of extra supplements to be inserted manually, Are my worries genuine or am i okay to take carry on with HCL for longer period of time? What could be the side effects i may develop if i carry for longer time? Are there any other blood tests that i need to keep monitoring for any other side effect related changes?

    1. Hey Zankar, I am happy to hear this information has been helpful! Your concerns are valid and as I mentioned in the article it is the most common question I get from clients who see results. You may be able to eliminate the last cap after regaining optimal HCL production. Following the strategies in the article will help improve your stomach acid naturally. If needed it is safe and best to take this last cap long term. This article offers information on different tests: https://drjockershdg.wpengine.com/5-ways-test-stomach-acid-levels/

  65. Hello! I have low acid and constipation , was taking HCL for one year and it was helping me so good ! But I got pregnant and it says that HCL is not studied with preagnancy and it’s better to avoid it. I stop drinking it and all digestive problems came back. The question is – is HCL is save during pregnancy ? If not , – what alternatives could help? Really hope for your advice. Thanks a lot in advance !

  66. amazing article Dr. thank you,
    my question is i have read taking Swedish bitters will help in production of HCL in teh stomach, is this true?
    also would it help to take digestive enzymes with meals as well?
    lastly, eating fruits, i assume we still need to take HCL to break down the sugars, or is HCL only for breaking down proteins?
    thanks very much, i think you have solved my friends health issues she has had for many years <3

  67. Hello!
    I am working with a functional dietician to help me heal SIBO – it has been a very long process and I feel stuck (I also need to heal Lyme so it complicates things quite a bit). I have been on PPIs for years in the past, unfortunately.
    My dietician thinks all my acid reflux issues are due in large part to low stomach acid (if only I had been told this years ago!). Unfortunately, I have trouble swallowing pills and I am reactive to apples. So the ACV, while I do really like it, eventually ends up making me pretty nauseous. I would like to take betaine HCl but how can I do this if I can’t swallow pills? Would breaking up a tab or opening a capsule be detrimental to my esophagus?
    If I can’t take betaine HCl this way, would digestive bitters and warm lemon water with ginger essential oil be sufficient? Any other suggestions? I am already taking enzymes.
    Thank you so much! Blessings!

  68. Hello Dr. Jockers! I really enjoy reading all your posts! I am curious, you mention taking HCL in the middle or end of meals, what about a supplement that has Betaine HCL and ACV power together which says to take before meals? Will this still turn off your natural stomach acid production like you mentioned in your article?

    1. Hey Ann, You may want to ask the manufacturer of that supplement for clarification and why they provide that recommendation. I like to allow your stomach time to produce acid before you supplement.

  69. Hi Dr Jockers – thank you so much for posting this article, it is so informative and straight-forward.

    I have been suffering from various digestive issues since I was a child and now I’ve reached a stage at age 45 where I can hardly digest anything and have constant acid reflux. Everything sets it off – chocolate, onions but especially stress! After a day battling with indigestion I end up with IBS, not surprisingly!

    I’ve done the baking soda test 4 times and I don’t produce any burps. I’m pretty sure I have low stomach acid but I am nervous to take hydrochloric acid. I wonder if it damages the esophagus, especially on days when food and supplements tend to feel stuck. I have been looking at your supplement, ProZyme and may give it a try. Also I was wonder if you could recommend a protein supplement to make protein shakes which doesn’t contain gluten or dairy. I would appreciate any help and advice. Thank you so much again for the article.

    1. Thanks Dr.Jocker, I have found your article helpful. I have had this digestive problem since 2011 and it’s increasing till date. I found all the things you have written is related and I have those symptoms. All these years I have been thinking I have hyperacidity and been taking those medications even from doctor and it has not helped me at all. It used to puzzle me how come if I have high acidity my food is not getting digested and remains in the stomach creating various problems

      This article will help me to take steps in that directionto improve. I will give a feedback on my improvement of health
      Once I start taking your advice.
      Thank you doctor

      1. Hi Donna, Just thought I would chip in and say that HCL supplements made the feeling of stuck supplements and stuck food disappear for me! I did a few months on HCL with every meal and was such a turn around. Then finances were a bit tighter. So I have found that a bit of beetroot with every meal (raw or cooked) is very mild and seems to help. Lately I have not been as vigilant and that stuck feeling higher up and heavy feeling down further has returned!

  70. This is a really good article. Thanx v. much. Now, about those persons concerned about having to take Betaine HCl forever. Adelle Davis in her book Let’s Get Well, says that, yes, taking HCl IS a crutch, but if a good diet is followed while supplementing with HCl, normal quantities of HCl can usually be produced within 3 or 4 weeks and the crutches discontinued. Her other “crutch” is digestive enzymes. There is an entire chapter on digestive problems in her book. It is worth reading.

    Her entire book is not the last word in health, but by God, it is a very good book. Virtually every statement she makes is backed up. There are (literally) thousands of references at the back of the book.

    Mind you, she wrote her book 50 years ago. I would opine that people in general are far weaker today, so all bets are off.

    Another thing. I have another, more modern book which says that manganese is necessary for adequate production of stomach acid. FWIW.

    1. Hey Samia, Yes, for some, particularly older people, they will need to stay on HCL for life for optimal digestion. However, many others can use HCL supplements to improve their digestion and then follow the strategies in the article and come off of the supplement and digest their food just fine.

  71. I re-read your article. One thing I don’t understand is the including of pepsin in some Betaine Hydrochloride supplements. Here is what I read on the www:

    “Hydrochloric acid (HCl) converts pepsinogen to pepsin which breaks down proteins to peptides.”

    It seems to me that taking both (Betaine HCl + Pepsin) is overkill; either that, or I simply don’t understand the workings of the stomach in spite of your good article. I’d appreciate a reply. Many thanks. – Samia.

    1. Hey Samia, Pepsin is dependent on HCL production in the stomach. As people age it is extemely common to not produce enough HCL which hinders pepsin secretion. This is why we use this supplement to promote endogenous pepsin production. Hope that helps clarify!

  72. You say, “Protein shakes are pre-metabolized .” There are a lot of different types of protein shakes! Are they ALL pre-metabolized. For example, I don’t eat any dairy, so whey is out, for me. Is collagen peptides pre-metabolized? How about pea protein or sacha inchi protein? What about protein that is derived from coconut or other plant sources?

    1. Hey Rachel, Yes, Protein shakes are easier to digest than eating meat or other sources of protein because the blender has broken the components of the shake into very small particles and the digestive system does not have to work hard to absorb them.

      1. Hi Dr. Jockers,

        I have read your article which is very informative. I have problem of indigestion. Have to pass stool in 2 to 3 portions after even taking eggs and veggies.

        Always bloating and belching heavily even taking apple cider with lemon and ginger.

        Please help…

  73. I have been taking HCL for a few months recommended by someone I saw but they didn’t tell me not to take NSAIDs. I normally take some form at least once a week, sometimes more but not every day. I have not noticed much difference since using HCL, but maybe it hasn’t been long enough. I was looking into your inflammation supplements (for my main issue of back and neck pain) and was wondering if those would be any use if I have really low stomach acid? The person I am seeing here thinks my low stomach acid is at least partially why I’m not able to get out of a chronic state of inflammation and muscle tightness.

  74. HI Dr. Jockers,

    I was just diagnosed with gastritis and GERD. They want me to go on the medication for one month and if I get better they are allowing me to wean off. I’d rather go the natural route for sure but I have been through a lot this year finally figuring out what I have (I have the more non traditional symptoms so it wasnt obvious). Could I do regular meds and holistic at the same time? I’m sure the meds (omeprazole) might have some side effects so maybe try it for two weeks then go natural (Betaine HCL)? Truly I’d go all in natural right away but again I had to do all the GI testing, multiple docs, etc. I’ll definitely do all of the other recommendations alongside as well! Great article!


  75. Hi, Dr. Jockers!
    I just discovered your site! Very informative! A pity I did not find it before…..
    I have a question I never found an answer to: I have heavy belching all day
    which sometimes disturbes the heart and gives me palpitations (stomach like
    a balloon). When I burp sometimes food come up into my mouth, and it tastes
    like when it was swallowed, its not even a bit acid… What could the reason be?
    Thank you so much!!

  76. Is it possible to have reflux (pepsin + acid) all the way to the sinuses and bronchi but no throat symptoms?

  77. Doc,

    I have been advised by my nutritionist to try Betaine HCl even though I’m not sure if the burning in my stomach is caused by an ulcer or a hiatal hernia or gastritis. I am not willing to go to a GI doc and get diagnosed via endoscopy. She said if I take the HCl and then get a burning in my stomach I will know it’s an ulcer and I can just drink some baking soda or aloe vera juice to ease the pain. Do you think this is safe? Could 1 Betaine HCl pill damage my gut if I do have an ulcer? Or is 1 safe to try with a protein meal regardless?

      1. I did the apple cider vinegar test on an empty stomach and I did have some extra stomach discomfort, but it didn’t start until a few minutes AFTER I took the ACV and then lasted for the next hour or so. It wasn’t anything severe, just slightly more irritated in that spot where the potential ulcer is than usual, and a general feeling of fullness in my belly. If I have an ulcer, would I have felt a burning right away?

        1. Well I should say the discomfort in my stomach IS significantly worse, but as I said it only started about 5-10 minutes after I took the ACV and now I am still feeling the discomfort 1.5 hours later.

          1. I’ve had this for 3 years on and off along with acid reflux, bloating and excessive burping/gas…never had tarry stools or vomiting…I have been using a lot of the supplements listed on that page for that entire time with no improvement. Is this common?

            Also is it OK to do the hiatal hernia exercises at the same time? My kinesiologist thinks I have a hiatal hernia too. Thanks

  78. Hello Dr. Jockers,

    I discovered your information through the Pantry Pharmacy website. I am sensitive-and/or-allergic to many antibiotics, so I have been following Rebekah’s protocols for UTIs for quite a few years now.

    Over a decade ago (maybe as long as 15 years) I was prescribed a PPI (Omeprazole) for suspected Barrett’s (?) Syndrome, never diagnosed.

    I have also had 2 A-Fib short-lasting adventures (2005 and 2018) ~~ I self-converted to NSR within a couple of hours in the ER, yet was extremely over-medicated, first with Sotolol and Warfarin for 14 to 16 months, and then with large doses of Atenolol until last February, 2019, when my BP shot up from normal to 200/100 in 1/2 hour. From then on I was given lots of different Beta-blockers, and developed 24/7 palpitations on Calcium Channel Blockers.

    April, 2019 I was still struggling with the palpitations (not diagnosed as A-Fib) and my chiropractor asked me if I was still on the PPI. I was, because no one ever told me to stop taking it! He suspected that my palpitations might be caused because the magnesium (that I take to keep A-Fib away) were not being absorbed because of the PPI. So I stopped taking the PPI, and quickly learned that my eating habits had to be altered and an alkaline diet was necessary! I dropped 35 pounds within a few months, learned about Roemheld Syndrome by reading Dr. Sanjay Gupta online, and finally asked my cardiologist if I could just quit taking all BP meds in June, because the side effects of everything that they prescribed gave me unbearable side effects.

    So my BP is now down to the 110 to 120/ 60 to 70 range, I have learned to control my palpitations with deep breathing, and little by little I’ve been able to introduce more varied foods into my alkaline diet.

    I was doing fine until I developed the UTI from hell that won’t quit a few weeks ago. With all of the supplements that I am now taking from Rebekah’s site, my stomach and intestinal tract are having fits. I can’t do the charcoal cleanse because when I tried it once, it seemed like the charcoal never came out because I am often constipated, no matter how much magnesium I take.

    Everything that I read about quitting a PPI after taking it for a long time talks about “acid rebound,” where the little proton pumps in your stomach go wild and produce too much acid because they want to make up for all of those years where they didn’t get to produce 90% of the acid that they were intended to produce. So I assumed that I still have too much stomach acid, yet I flunked the baking soda test and have many of the symptoms of low stomach acid.

    When experimenting with the food + lemon shots suggested by The Pantry Pharmacy, I had a terrible reaction ~~ burning hotness and heaviness in the chest, and palpitations that lasted for hours after eating, as high as 120 beats per minute. Since then I’ve tried the lemon water and ACV in water, and I can drink them, but lemon juice causes blood to show up on my urine test strip nearly every time after I take it, and I get the palpitations again after eating, although the beats per minute are not as high. ACV is better, but I still get the palpitations ~~ now I have them without taking anything acidic after eating.

    I have tried one Betaine HCL tablet the my chiropractor gave me, and for hours afterward it felt like it was stuck half-way down, with a burning sensation in my mouth ~~ even though I took it in the middle of a meal. I was miserable for hours. So the next time (because the pills were round and also thick) he suggested that I try cutting them in quarters, so that I could take each quarter from the middle of the meal to the end. I was in worse misery for hours afterward, even though I took only the first quarter-pill. My face got tight and hot and bright red, the top of my head started itching, and the palpitations were so fast, hard, and strong I could hardly breathe. And my BP went up to 158/103 with pulse at 113.

    So now I’m afraid to take any of the digestive acids, because I’m wondering if I still have “acid rebound” from quitting the PPI. In the meantime, I now have misery after eating or drinking anything ~~ even high alkaline water ~~ which I didn’t have before trying the acid supplementation. The only relief I get now is from baking soda in water, and it doesn’t last long enough!

    Can you offer some suggestions? How much baking soda is it safe to take so I can cool off the burn?

      1. Dr. Jockers ~~ Thank you so much for your prompt reply to my too-long message! My chiropractor is very close to this concept that you’ve described (whole body approach.) He does acupuncture and laser therapy as well as the chiropractic adjustments, and all of his approaches have helped me a lot.

        He has also suggested a nutritional therapist for me to see in person, but she is in the next state. Since I am 75 with cataracts that need fixing, I am not too keen on distance driving anymore. I am very grateful for your suggestions about how to find someone who can be consulted online.

        I am also a 2-time cancer survivor (1985 and 2015) so my health issues have been numerous. Having an HMO and needing referrals for each local doctor that I see, I’ve found that it can be vey complicated; and in my area these days, appointments are at least two weeks of waiting before being able to see someone. My PCP now wants to send me to an infectious disease specialist for my UTIs because of my many allergies, and I still have more than another week to wait.

        My chiropractor is very involved with the concept of taking the Ancestry DNA test, and he works from that. I have not done that test yet (money issues and privacy concerns,) so I wonder if you think that would also be a worthwhile approach to my issues.

        I am very grateful for your suggestions! Thank you!

  79. My ongoing symptoms are constant throat and tongue burning, pain running from the right ear down right side of neck (note only on right side of neck) and a gaseous vapor rising from nose that causes my eyes to burn and the tip of my nose to get cold, as well as left ear tinnitus. I was diagnosed with Laryngealpharyngeal Reflux (LPR) over two years ago, which is trickier than acid reflux in that there is a gaseous acid/non-acid/pepsin release through the esophagus that can burn the delicate throat tissues. I find the burning occurs approx. 1.5-2 hours after I eat, although it seems to be getting more frequent, i.e., I have not awakened with this feeling, but now I seem to be waking up with it before eating.
    My endoscopy a while back showed no h. pylori and no celiac disease but mild gastritis. I was on PPIs for a couple months and ended up with SIBO which was treated and I believe I no longer have. I was later diagnosed with leaky gut due to high zonulin. I then went on a gluten and dairy free, low carb/high fat restrictive diet and was later tested normal zonulin level. My LDL cholesterol went up to 161 but I saw minimal improvement in my burning symptoms. It seems that I’ve had high LDL cholesterol for the past 3+ years so maybe a liver/bile issue may be involved? I got breast cancer last summer which was estrogen receptor positive. I can’t help thinking the liver is malfunctioning somehow and wasn’t clearing estrogen or bad cells properly.
    An esophageal manometry test in December diagnosed me with hypercontractile esophagus a/k/a jackhammer esophagus. Basically the amplitude of the movement in my esophagus is way over the average, but I do not experience any esophageal spasms…yet. I’m not sure if the jackhammer esophagus is related to acid/pepsin damage. The manometry also showed a malfunctioning LES wherein it does not open or close appropriately. A pH test showed that I have 24 “weakly acid” events out of 26 being the high end limit. I’m a mess continuing to search for answers. I have tried lemon juice in water previously and want to try ACV, but the constant burn makes me a little averse to these acidic items. Do you believe most of my issues are a remaining gut issue, acid/non-acid, i.e., pepsin or bile issue or liver/gallbladder issues? Any suggestions on what I should pursue next would be ever so much appreciated. Thank you in advance and blessings to you for helping others seeking relief.

  80. I have a hiatus hernia that was diagnosed four years ago and have been taking Lansoprazole and Ranitidine daily since
    At the same time I started suffering from acid reflux that has progressively got worse
    I belch all the time my tummy is grumbling and soild constantly at worst time I have numbness in my left arm and chest pain I have had this checked and given all clear from heart clinic.
    I have no energy all the time and find the easiest task hard ie walking climbing stairs etc
    I have stopped taking the medication as like everyone else been too long on them and worried about the side effects
    I have started drinking Apple cider vinegar which seems to help a little
    I’ve lost weight also
    Any advice please

  81. Dr. Jockers, I noted in your article the recommendation to NOT take ASA, Tylenol or ibuprofen if taking a supplement containing HCL for low stomach acid caused GERD. I’ve taken an antihistamine, (Xyrtec), along with usually Advil for years during seasonal allergy times. Is there anything else that could be used for the chronic sinus headache caused by the pollens? Would you explain the rationale for not using the analgesics?
    Thank you for your consideration.

  82. Is there a max dose of HCL tablets? I am now up to 9 per meal with no burning sensation. Also, limited benefit yet for the globus sensation and hoarseness in throat.

  83. Great explanations! My mom always has a lot of gas especially in the morning. I have had it too but I want to put an end to it! I did the baking soda test and it took 8 minutes on average to burp. I’m always gassy and bloated with some acid reflux. I am always uncomfortable because of it. I go without eating because I feel so full and hours later, I’m so hungry that I’m ravenous. Not good. I want to feel normal. I exercise a lot and lift weights and have yet to see weight loss. I do see muscle building but my stomach is not happy.
    Which med of yours would you recommend?

  84. Are all HCL equal? Because I have done it for years and now I’m Burping for now one in halve years.
    I’m doing something wrong? Next I will try your HCL. You are one of the best doctors out there. Here in Santa Barbara no good doctors that I can find.

  85. Thank you Dr. Jockers for your very educational and helpful site. I hope you feature Dysphagia to help with my son. Thanks and God bless!

      1. Thank you, Dr. Jockers. But I referred to “dysphagia” which is the difficulty in swallowing, not “dyspepsia”. You might have misread. 🙂

  86. What would be the dosage of HCL or type that a young child with acid reflux can take? And also in a form they can swallow (not a pill)

  87. Hello Dr. Jockers. Thanks for your WONDERFULLY thorough/applicable articles. I’ve been using 3 Betaine/pepsin/gentian 650 mg caps w/ all protein meals plus a pancreatic and ox bile enzyme. I never feel anything from this during my meal. I’ve had less than stellar digestion my whole life (mostly gas…I eat a LOT of veggies…no belching ever/always trouble with breath) after years of antibiotic use for acne. I also have short bowel syndrome and no iliocecal valve. I do not experience GERD right after a meal but more like 4 to 6 hours after, when I am in the beginning or middle stages of sleep. (FYI, bed is inclined to help with this) I wonder if I need to increase my dosage of HCL and whether taking supplemental amino acids might also be warranted? Thank you!

  88. Hello and thank you for another informative article.
    However, I am confused.
    Regarding taking the Baking Soda Test. In the graphic with the 3 steps, step 3 says “If you have not burped or belched within 5 minutes then it would be a sign of insufficient stomach acid production ”
    Then the text after the graphic says “Any belching after 3 minutes is an indication of low stomach acid production”
    These appear to contradict each other.
    Which is the indicator of low stomach acid – belching between 3 and 5 minutes, or not belching?
    Thank you.

  89. Hi Dr. Jockers my husband has been taking a PPI for several years because he has such bad indigestion. I have finally convinced him to get off of it and try to heal his stomach. He has been taking 1 Betine HCL a day for 4 days along with apple cider vinegar pills and fermented foods. The first few days the HCL worked great but the last two days the indigestion is bugging him again. He tried taking 2 but got acid reflux. I’m not sure if it’s because he didn’t have enough protein with the meal or doesn’t need two (which I would be shocked about considering he’s had to take a PPI every day for several years)
    He is about ready to give up and go back to his PPI if we can’t figure this out. I have a few questions.
    1. What can he take when he is experiencing acid reflux?
    2. If he only has 2-4 oz of protein should he still take a HCL?
    3. Should he take an HCL if he is eating something like pizza?
    4. If the meal contains very little protein and he doesn’t take an HCL what can he take to stop the acid reflux from kicking in?
    5. Also I read that if he is taking HCL he should not take any painkillers. Is there a certain about of time before after taking the HCL that he could take it or will he not be able to take them until he gets his gut healed?

  90. Hi. I’m confused. For the HCL Challenge Test you say: If you notice indigestion, then you have adequate stomach levels.

    Then, for supplementing with HCL (with reflux for example), you say, if you continue to have indigestion, you need more.

    Do these contradict each other? I’m not understanding and I hope you an please clarify. I dont’ know if I get notifications that you reply. I hope so, or maybe you can email.
    Thank you so much!

  91. Several years ago I started losing hair at an alarming rate. I burned through several NDs that walked down the usual hairloss path of thyroid, iodine, minerals, etc and just kept losing more hair until I had to go buy a wig. I finally found my way to Johnathan Wright, arguably one of the brightest minds in the naturopathic field. He knew right away that the volume of hair loss I was experiencing had to be tied to amino acid deficiency. He started me immediately on amino acid IVs and the hair loss stopped completely after the third one. He performed a Heidelberg test to see that I was making almost no stomach acid. In addition because stomach acid is required to break your protein into amino acids, and all of your vitamins and minerals need to attach to an amino acid to get carried to their destination in the body , I was completely malnourished despite eating an organic, whole food, ketovore diet. I have taken HCL pills ( by the handful) with my meals, and injected myself with B12 twice weekly, ever since, and at 51 I have more hair than I did at 21.

  92. Love all of your articles re improving our health.
    This one is great but what if you have a hiatus hernia and have problems due to that. I assume causing excessive acid problems. Dr keeps saying take patient or encounter but from endoscopy I already have intestinal meta plasma and am worried about the defect of all this on my gut. So confused , just don’t know what to do for the best.

  93. Dear Dr. Jockers,
    I’m sorry to say I’m just now finding you! But, all in God’s time…
    I think my stomach acid is low. Because of symptoms in your video And a book I’ve been reading.
    I am thankful for you and your obvious passion to help people!

    I took the baking soda test this morning, and passed gas just after 5 minutes and belch-a small one- after 15 minutes. I wasn’t sure what to think.

    Obviously I need to use your products! And will purchase on payday!!

    Thanks again for the info!! I am looking forward to more hair, healthier nails, less food sensitivities, and being able to eat without feeling full after just a few bites!!

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